What is haskell functional programming
What is haskell functional programming

what is haskell functional programming what is haskell functional programming what is haskell functional programming

Now, on the Cardano Reddit forums an often asked question is, “Is Haskell hard to learn?” usually with the subtext of “Will it mean less people develop on Cardano and therefore hamper its growth?”. More on the merits of one over the other later. One key point to understand about Haskell is that it falls under the family of programming languages known as functional programming, where as most programmers learn to code in imperative (or procedural, which is another name for it) languages such Java of Python. I’ll mostly refer to it all as Haskell for the purposes of this discussion. Haskell is a mainstream programming language that has been around since 1990, and Plutus is a version of it that has been built for smart contract programming on Cardano. Part I – Is Haskell/Plutus hard to learn? However I think I’m a good representative of your average programmer. And I’ve never really gotten into Java – too many curly brackets and boiler plate code for my liking. But on the other hand, my heavy duty coding experience as a professional C# programmer only lasted a few years as I got into data science and so my more recent experience has just been in Python. On the one hand, I’ve been coding on and off for 20 years, and have dabbled in a whole host of languages with Visual Basic, C# and Python being my main ones. Now before I dive into it, I think it’s important that I let you know what my general level of experience is with computer programming. Is Haskell, the programming language behind Cardano smart contracts, hard to learn? Today will be talking about a question I have been asked a lot. Click here for the YouTube version of this blog post.

What is haskell functional programming