System shock 2 tacticool
System shock 2 tacticool

system shock 2 tacticool

  • Super short packed length for easy transport in a rucksack.
  • system shock 2 tacticool

  • Heavy gauge pole sections-the perfect balance of strength, stiffness and weight for more demanding applications.
  • Please contact us if you'd prefer your order to be shipped as one. ***SHIPPING***: Due to the shape of this item, your order may be sent in separate shipments. The Tactical Mini is perfect to support a ground-plane antenna for 20m, dipoles and end-fed halfwave antennas. The Tactical Mini is a great support for our popular Band Hopper 2 and Band Hopper 3 antenn as (but is not recommended for the Band Hopper 4, which is best used with a longer pole due to its larger size). In the most demanding conditions, the Tactical Mini will not let you down. The Tactical Mini has been designed for exactly this role.

    system shock 2 tacticool

    Lightweight portable operators need something special to support their antennas. Strong enough to withstand nature's worst.The ' Tactical Mini ' Compact ultra-portable 6 metre telescopic mast

    System shock 2 tacticool